Sunday, June 21, 2009

too busy to blog?

i have so many things and ideas that i want to blog about, but now that its summer things are moving faster, and they are usually all but forgotten by the time i hit the computer. not to mention that during the year only about a third of my blog post ideas actually made it on paper (well, virtual paper anyway), plus now that i have three blogs, my creativity is spread a bit thin.

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Newton Inquiry

i said i would find a way to get you my questions- and i did! go to "view my complete profile", scroll down to the bottom where it says "my blogs", and click on "The Newton Inquiry". or just follow this link i typed them all back to back, so i didn't notice that they went off the page, so you'll have to click "older posts".

random trivia: i just noticed that all the post times are off sense i "live" in Australia.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

"Beautiful Sound" Newsboys

Turn the page.
Can't turn the light out.
Every word, every line
Carries to my soul.
Dark letters on a page
Singing so loud.
Where did I go wrong
Not to hear You?
Eighteen years,
I guess it was all right.
I let You do the thinking,
I'd just bide my time.
Father to son
Sunday hand-me-down.
Where did I go wrong
Not to hear Your song?
It's a beautiful sound
Moving through the crowd.
Voices lifted up
On high for You.
It's a beautiful song.
We've only just begun to understand.
Rediscovering You.
To have found You, and still be looking for You,
It's "the soul's paradox of love.
"You fill my cup, I lift it up for more.
I won't stop now that I'm free.
I'll be chasing You
Like You chase me.
It's a beautiful sound
Moving through the crowd.
Voices lifted up
On high for You.
It's a beautiful song.
We've only just begun to understand.
Rediscovering You.
Oh, something so beautiful.
It's a beautiful sound
Moving through the crowd.
Voices lifted up
On high for You.
It's a beautiful song.
We've only just begun to understand.
Rediscovering You.
It's a beautiful sound
Moving through the crowd.
Voices lifted up
On high for You.
It's a beautiful song.
We've only just begun to understand.
Rediscovering You.
It's a beautiful sound
Moving through the crowd.
Voices lifted up
On high for You.
It's a beautiful song.
We've only just begun to understand.
Rediscovering You.
Something tells me it's all right.
You know it's gonna be all right.