Saturday, July 25, 2009

no time for blogging!?!

i know i haven't been very consistent in blogging over the summer like i said i would, but hopefully i will once school starts! sorry!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

too busy to blog?

i have so many things and ideas that i want to blog about, but now that its summer things are moving faster, and they are usually all but forgotten by the time i hit the computer. not to mention that during the year only about a third of my blog post ideas actually made it on paper (well, virtual paper anyway), plus now that i have three blogs, my creativity is spread a bit thin.

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Newton Inquiry

i said i would find a way to get you my questions- and i did! go to "view my complete profile", scroll down to the bottom where it says "my blogs", and click on "The Newton Inquiry". or just follow this link i typed them all back to back, so i didn't notice that they went off the page, so you'll have to click "older posts".

random trivia: i just noticed that all the post times are off sense i "live" in Australia.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

"Beautiful Sound" Newsboys

Turn the page.
Can't turn the light out.
Every word, every line
Carries to my soul.
Dark letters on a page
Singing so loud.
Where did I go wrong
Not to hear You?
Eighteen years,
I guess it was all right.
I let You do the thinking,
I'd just bide my time.
Father to son
Sunday hand-me-down.
Where did I go wrong
Not to hear Your song?
It's a beautiful sound
Moving through the crowd.
Voices lifted up
On high for You.
It's a beautiful song.
We've only just begun to understand.
Rediscovering You.
To have found You, and still be looking for You,
It's "the soul's paradox of love.
"You fill my cup, I lift it up for more.
I won't stop now that I'm free.
I'll be chasing You
Like You chase me.
It's a beautiful sound
Moving through the crowd.
Voices lifted up
On high for You.
It's a beautiful song.
We've only just begun to understand.
Rediscovering You.
Oh, something so beautiful.
It's a beautiful sound
Moving through the crowd.
Voices lifted up
On high for You.
It's a beautiful song.
We've only just begun to understand.
Rediscovering You.
It's a beautiful sound
Moving through the crowd.
Voices lifted up
On high for You.
It's a beautiful song.
We've only just begun to understand.
Rediscovering You.
It's a beautiful sound
Moving through the crowd.
Voices lifted up
On high for You.
It's a beautiful song.
We've only just begun to understand.
Rediscovering You.
Something tells me it's all right.
You know it's gonna be all right.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

humanity yearns for acceptance

i keep running into people that tell me I'm not afraid to be who i am, but they are wrong. just like every other person on this earth, i strive for acceptance, not by wearing name brand clothing, but by being different. i have a different way of thinking about things, so i learned early that fancy clothes and friends in high places wont get me anywhere, so i created my own action plan- and so far its working. i do hesitate to be myself, and just because my cover up story is different from everyone else's, doesn't mean its any truer. my "weirdness" is just another reality shield; nobody is truly "weird," Ive asked them. all the people i know that others consider to be strange have told me that they are that way on purpose, and i dint blame them- its a very safe place to be- despite what most people think, people dint make fun of us, a number of people actually admire the misfits. this is an international problem; a missionary i met from Ukraine told me that his niece asked him to buy her some fancy American tennis shoes while he was in the states so that she could fit in better (sound familiar?). i guess in a way, i am afraid to be who i am; the parts of me that do not exceed ordinary, i hide. to pick a random example- chick flicks, all girls like chick flicks deep down, because its their nature, but if someone didn't want to be like all girls, they would pretend they didn't like them. i dint really have a good closing sentence, so... The End.

the beautiful letdown

there are a number of people that i used to percieve as "perfect", not perfect as in they dont make mistakes, but that they are where i want to be in life- good role models. but in the last few weeks God has been showing me that none of them are good role models. its a slow and painful process, but i know how good it is for me. despite previous letdowns i keep trying to find other people that fit my bill, but i just cant. i geuss God is trying to show me that Jesus is the only perfect role model- wich i knew all allong in the back of my head, but am just now really understanding- but that still doesn't seem to satify my human need to find other people to admire. oh well, ill figure it out one day.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Welcome, Mrs. Burn!

This is my blog. All my secret observations on life, and just everyday teenage existence get jotted down here. I really thought that you would enjoy reading and commenting on my postings, because, well, I don't know why, I just thought you would. Until now, only my parents knew about this place but I thought if anyone would appreciate it, it would be you. Feel free to look back as far as you like, and please comment on anything that piques your interest, I love to get comments (good or bad). I update my blog on average about once a week, so there is almost always a new post. I'm really excited about adding another reader my list. Have fun!