Thursday, May 28, 2009

humanity yearns for acceptance

i keep running into people that tell me I'm not afraid to be who i am, but they are wrong. just like every other person on this earth, i strive for acceptance, not by wearing name brand clothing, but by being different. i have a different way of thinking about things, so i learned early that fancy clothes and friends in high places wont get me anywhere, so i created my own action plan- and so far its working. i do hesitate to be myself, and just because my cover up story is different from everyone else's, doesn't mean its any truer. my "weirdness" is just another reality shield; nobody is truly "weird," Ive asked them. all the people i know that others consider to be strange have told me that they are that way on purpose, and i dint blame them- its a very safe place to be- despite what most people think, people dint make fun of us, a number of people actually admire the misfits. this is an international problem; a missionary i met from Ukraine told me that his niece asked him to buy her some fancy American tennis shoes while he was in the states so that she could fit in better (sound familiar?). i guess in a way, i am afraid to be who i am; the parts of me that do not exceed ordinary, i hide. to pick a random example- chick flicks, all girls like chick flicks deep down, because its their nature, but if someone didn't want to be like all girls, they would pretend they didn't like them. i dint really have a good closing sentence, so... The End.

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