Thursday, May 28, 2009

the beautiful letdown

there are a number of people that i used to percieve as "perfect", not perfect as in they dont make mistakes, but that they are where i want to be in life- good role models. but in the last few weeks God has been showing me that none of them are good role models. its a slow and painful process, but i know how good it is for me. despite previous letdowns i keep trying to find other people that fit my bill, but i just cant. i geuss God is trying to show me that Jesus is the only perfect role model- wich i knew all allong in the back of my head, but am just now really understanding- but that still doesn't seem to satify my human need to find other people to admire. oh well, ill figure it out one day.


Unknown said...


I think that God places all sorts of people in our lives...both good and bad. However, I have found that HE always surrounds me with people that share my love for HIM. No one is one is going to say or do the right things all the time...we can only do our best. Which is what God expects. HE sees are faults and loves us bespite them...maybe this is the lesson he is teaching you?

Sable said...

i understand and agree with what your saying, but i dont really know what to say back. (so, im not not responding just to be rude)