Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Welcome, Mrs. Burn!

This is my blog. All my secret observations on life, and just everyday teenage existence get jotted down here. I really thought that you would enjoy reading and commenting on my postings, because, well, I don't know why, I just thought you would. Until now, only my parents knew about this place but I thought if anyone would appreciate it, it would be you. Feel free to look back as far as you like, and please comment on anything that piques your interest, I love to get comments (good or bad). I update my blog on average about once a week, so there is almost always a new post. I'm really excited about adding another reader my list. Have fun!


Sable said...

it looks like it works fine...

Unknown said...

Maybe it was me...this blogging thing is new to me ya know! Give me some credit, I am OLD! I am taking a blogging class tomorrow to learn more! Thanks so much for including me. You are a wonderful and special young lady! I know that you are going to be amazing at whatever you do in life...maybe you will be a google genius??? Are you enjoying your summer? Today was our last day as teachers...hooray!