Monday, May 18, 2009

It's raining now...

this is another miscellaneous story that i wrote when it was raining really hard and Lucy was spasing out...

“It’s raining now,” I said to no one in particular. The house had been empty since early this morning, and I was beginning to wish I had someone to talk to. That brought me back to earlier this morning, when I became so hopelessly bored that I started talking to my pencils. Well, I wasn’t exactly talking to them, I was making a sort of skit. The dumber the funnier, I always say, so it was getting pretty hectic by the time I noticed about three people gaping at me. Now, over six hours later, I was missing my devoted, if not slightly amused audience. I was yanked back to the present when an excruciatingly loud clap of thunder, interrupted my reminiscing. I drummed my fingers on my extended knee, while I tried to drift back into retrospect mood once again. This time it was Max, my husky-poodle mix that woke me, when he darted under my chair, nearly knocking me over due to his failure to recognize his larger-than-average body size. It became apparent that trying to reach a state of subconsciousness was virtually impossible at this point, due to the fact that my chair had mysteriously started to vibrate, and a large puddle of drool was slowly accumulating directly under me. I resentfully rendered my throne of three hours to the terror-infested pile of fur that I had previously mistaken as a dog. You see, according to early civilization observation, a dog is supposed to be a loyal and protective friend. Staring down now at my sad excuse of a dog, with his pointy ears and curly hair, his dainty paws and steel-blue eyes now shut tightly to ward away any unwanted natural occurrence, I was reminded, once again of how much I love him. Such a visually odd looking creature had obviously been made just for me.

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