Friday, April 10, 2009

relational enlightenment

i just realized that i want a relationship with Jesus Christ. i never really thought about it, but all my life people have been telling me i wanted to know Jesus, and i have been believing them. its like a megga-comercial. its almost like something Mr Wheeler was talking about... he said some commercials are all showy and munipulative because they think they have to be, but ipod commercials never really have to say much, because you already know how great they are. if enough of the right people tell you you want it, you just might start beleiving them.

i saw the Passion the other day, and my favorite part was the first flashback (the one where Mary was calling him for lunch). i started thinking, "hey, i wish i had a friend like that... ", and then i was like "oh... i get it know"

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