Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Save the Worms!

The other day, when I asked my grandmother if she wanted the eggshells to go in the compost pile, she gave me a long drawn out response about how "the eggshells are too hard on the worms' digestive systems...". I can see the logic behind that, but it sure is weird to think of someone being so considerate of worms.

More Cool Words

circean — referring to beauty of a dangerous kind
mammon — material wealth having a debasing influence
necrology — list of the recently dead
salience — pronounced feature
sallet — light helmet with a brim flaring in the back
surplice — loose-fitting priestly garment with wide sleeves
syrinx — vocal organ of a bird
tabard — short, heavy cape or tunic (worn over armor)
tenebrous — shut out from the light, obscure
teredines — tiny worms that ruin ships and wharfs
umbra — darkest part of a shadow
vapid — lacking spirit
xiphoid — shaped like a sword
zygodactyl — having two toes pointing backward, two forward

Monday, March 23, 2009

where are the gentlemen?

in this time of relational crisis, we should not put up with what little the world has to offer. we should not tolerate the disrespectful, unkempt men that seem to dominate this world. In contrary, we should shout out at humanity, "where are the gentlemen, and what have you done with them?" there are real men out there; true, they are not the chick-flick ideals, but what i have seen so far of the male race would put them to shame. my parents expect me to date only nice, charming, young lads, but as far as i know, they don't exist. now is the time for a male revolution. this is an all-call for reality... BRING OUT THE GENTLEMEN!

Friday, March 20, 2009

thoughts on life

you cant think about life too hard, you might get depressed. it seems like it drags on and on. there is always something to be done, always something to fix, always stuff to turn in. school is never right. there are dozens of books out there on improving your life, and what to live life for and all that junk, but nowhere is there resources for school life. almost my whole day is consumed by school. if I'm not actually at school, then I'm working on homework, if I'm not on homework then I'm fretting about getting projects turned in. i know what i want to do with my life- I've got it all planned out. but right now school is my life- so what do i do? people end their lives all the time, but no one can end their school. school is the most diverse part of my life right now. i have to perfect the balance of what to get involved in and what not to get involved in. everyday i learn a new step to the dance through trial and error. there is always more to do, no one is free. why would anyone want to teach middle school? people say they like the age group, but i could give a hundred accounts of how much the age group doesn't like them. when the halls are packed, you can smell the hate and despair in the air. the lockers have acid dripping from them, from all the dirtiness that gets dumped in there every day. everyone always looks sad or tired, and the ones who dont are even worse. some of them have actually gotten used to the daily grind, and have grown to expect it. its hard to have to hear the peoples conversations whose life is so pain filled that they have to dump all the junk on innocent bystanders. even the kids who look like they have it together are seen spreading hate messages across the lunchroom. they look so perfect next to the "bad" kids, but are they really? people are drowning, and you reach out to help them, but all they know to do is pull you under.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Psalms 77:1

I yell out to God, I yell with all my might, I yell at the top of my lungs. He listens.
Psalms 77:1

where do i fit?

i know who i want to be, but all the people who fit my image turn out awful. i find people that i want to be like or with so bad, but they dont even know im there. so i follow them around, and try to be their friend, and i thought they didnt notice. yesterday, i was talking with one about new kids. i was saying how fun it is to have new kids at school, because you can make them be your friends (as a joke), and she pipes up and says, "haha, like you did to me!". so i was like, uh-oh, but i just smiled and said "that doesnt count, you arent new!". oh, its so hard to find the right crowd. the good little Christian girls arent crazy enough, and dont talk about stuff i want to talk about, and the crazy, colorful people all seem "bad". it was so much easier in kindergarten when no one needed to have anything in common to be friends. sigh.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

teenage catastrophe

being a teenager is hard. its the time when your just beginning to think about stuff- while not thinking at all. you think about all the wrong stuff. the miniscule details are ever important, but we fail to get the big picture. i absolutely must have the perfect clothes, but why would somebody be mad if i slapped them for no reason? every move is overcomprehended, making everyone appear to be your enemy. teenagers belong in an asylum, not on our roads.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

my awesome life

people think im funny. they like my photography. my school praises originality. i am growing in God. i am mature. i love to read and write. people love me. i am creative. my parent's parental strategies are close to perfect. i can get along with my brother. i have a baby cousin. people look up to me. i can still act like a kid. i have good grades. people like me. i am starting to have intelligent thoughts. i have not gone emo yet. i get wiser everyday. i made it through middle school. i am still me.

my horrid life

my dad is sick. my stepsister is being acting adolescent. money is tight. my friends are changing (or just me). i tease people too much. i am overly judgemental. i have a lusting problem. im cant tell who my friends are. im told im overly asscertive. i have Androphobia. i keep dreaming i am Josef Mengele. i cant find jeans that fit. people look at me weird.

Cool Words

sururrous- full of whispering sounds
cerulean- deep blue; sky blue; azure
bumbershoot- umbrella
basiate- to kiss
bandersnatch- an imaginary wild animal of fierce disposition; a person of uncouth or unconventional habits, attitudes, etc.
omphaloskepsis- the act contemplating one's navel (stare'n at yer bellybutton)
philotheoparoptesism- the practice of "roasting over a slow fire" those who have suffered the church's displeasure
peripatetic- of relating to or given to walking
nosocominal- originating in a hospital
moot- open to question; debatable
Kilroy- a fictitious American male, created by American troops who left the inscription "Kilroy was here" on walls, property, etc., all over the world in the years during and after World War 2
Jesse- a male given name, from the Hebrew word meaning "God Exists"
Hobson's choice- an apparently free choice when there is no real alternative

Monday, March 16, 2009


this blog is under reconstruction. it was awful before, and it will probably be awful in the future, just to a less severe degree.