Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cool Words

sururrous- full of whispering sounds
cerulean- deep blue; sky blue; azure
bumbershoot- umbrella
basiate- to kiss
bandersnatch- an imaginary wild animal of fierce disposition; a person of uncouth or unconventional habits, attitudes, etc.
omphaloskepsis- the act contemplating one's navel (stare'n at yer bellybutton)
philotheoparoptesism- the practice of "roasting over a slow fire" those who have suffered the church's displeasure
peripatetic- of relating to or given to walking
nosocominal- originating in a hospital
moot- open to question; debatable
Kilroy- a fictitious American male, created by American troops who left the inscription "Kilroy was here" on walls, property, etc., all over the world in the years during and after World War 2
Jesse- a male given name, from the Hebrew word meaning "God Exists"
Hobson's choice- an apparently free choice when there is no real alternative

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